CoachMe 60 Minutes


CoachMe Private Coaching is the perfect solution for you if:

  • You “know what you need to do” but fall off track, and want to get moving and stay moving to ensure your success.
  • You are overwhelmed by the changes you need to make, and want support from beginning to end.
  • You are ready to achieve your health or weight goals with a solution that’s proven, easy to follow, and personalized just for you.

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CoachMe Private Coaching is designed to create the success you crave and deserve. We realize how hard it is to achieve meaningful change. It’s even harder to do it alone.

We make it easy.

CoachMe Private Coaching not only gives you the exact tools you need to make your goals reality, but we also help you uncover and unravel the triggers that block your ability to make lasting change. Say good-bye to overwhelm and dread, let go of shame and guilt, and say hello to a new way, molded to fit you and you only. Your tools, your success.

Nothing paves the road to success faster than having someone by your side every step of the way. How many times have you gotten on the right track only to fall off the rails and not get back on? Chances are it’s because you were doing it alone. What sets Blum Method Private Coaching apart is our commitment to your health and your future.

Meet Melissa

Melissa Rapoport is our resident Health Coach and Lifestyle Change-Maker. What makes Melissa different? She combines her graduate work in Developmental Psychology with her education in health and coaching to create programs that result in lifetime change. She overcame her own health struggles with emotional eating and a toxic pressure-filled lifestyle, and now works with people around the world who want to say “No” to temporary fixes, and say “Yes” to a healthy and happy body, inside and out.


How do I know if I need a coach?

Let’s be frank … making change, lifelong change, is very difficult to do by yourself. Chances are you’ve tried lots of diets and programs in the past and they just didn’t “stick” or they didn’t “work.” You may have felt overwhelmed and gave up, or you might have fallen back into the same patterns you had before you started.
The great news is … it doesn’t have to be this way! With CoachMe we will help you unravel your challenges and create a new way completely based on your individual needs. No cookie cutter sessions here — only you, your goals and your success.

But, I know what I need to do. How will coaching help?

Who doesn’t? We all know that we need to eat lots of vegetables, lean protein and get rid of the “whites.” So why is it that you know what you need to do but can’t seem to stick with it? Because if you are like the majority of people, you default to “the path of least resistance.” In other words, you do what’s familiar. Getting out of your comfort zone and creating lasting change, takes commitment, skillful coaching and accountability (and every once in awhile some tough love!)

Why coach with us?

It’s all about YOU! No two people are alike, and with CoachMe, no two people have the same Action Plan. We expertly identify solutions to your challenges, and put in place the tools and strategies you need to take your health to the next level … and stay there! We are committed to your success.

Who are your clients?

We work with people all over the world, just like you. Many of our clients have tried lots of “get-fixed” programs and products (no judgement, we understand!) and are tired of putting time, energy and let’s be honest, money, into something that doesn’t work. Our clients are committed, ready to make change and take a stand for their health.

I have a busy life. Maybe I should wait until I have more time?

Honestly, waiting is not the answer. The real question is, what’s holding you back? Having a busy life is all the more reason to take the leap. After all, your busy lifestyle is taking a toll on your health and we can help you find the balance you need to put your health front and center.

What kind of results should I expect?

Come to your session/s ready to work and you will likely see immediate results. Our clients overwhelmingly say they feel more in control than they have in years after their very first session. The reality is that the more you have to accomplish, the longer it will take. But whether you need just a session or two, or a longer, more structured program your results will be in direct proportion to keeping your appointments and to sticking with your coach through your rough patches. After all, there are always rough patches. We will get you beyond them once and for all.

I have some questions. May I email someone?

Absolutely! We would love to hear from you. Just click the orange “Support” button on the lower right hand corner of the screen and will get back to you with answers.

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