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5 Ways to Make Your Health Goals A Reality

Functional Medicine Health Coach

Let’s jump to the chase: New Year’s Resolutions don’t work.

Thanksgiving hits and all through December we say to ourselves, “Come January 1st all this is going to change.” Year in and year out. 

But, does it?

Does everything change?

The answer for over 95% of us? A big, fat NOPE.

The reality is, that every single day is a “clean slate” opportunity. 

We put a tremendous amount of pressure on the first day of the year. 

But think about this: Putting all your eggs in the basket once a year gives you only ONE OPPORTUNITY. 

Thinking about everyday as a clean slate gives you 365 OPPORTUNITIES!

Regardless of whether you’re into New Year’s Resolutions, there are ways you can make your goals achievable any time of year. 


5 Ways to Make Your Health Goals a Reality

Focus on one goal at a time: Trying to change multiple aspects of your life at once can be overwhelming. Concentrate on one resolution until you feel confident in your progress before adding another one.

Make realistic and specific goals: Setting vague and unachievable goals sets you up for failure. Instead, be clear about what you want to achieve and ensure it is within your capabilities. For instance, don’t commit to getting washboard abs, start with “I’ll workout for a minimum of 10 minutes, three times a week.”

Break it down: Breaking your goal into smaller, manageable steps makes it easier to achieve. This way, progress can be easily measured, keeping motivation high.

Celebrate milestones: Recognize and celebrate the small victories along the way. These milestones serve as positive reinforcement, helping you maintain motivation and continue striving towards your goal. Take a vacation day, get a massage, do something that makes you happy. (Ummm, not a food reward – that creates another habit to break!)

Find support: Share your goal with friends and family (not frenemies who undermine your goals) or join a support group – both can provide encouragement, advice, and accountability. For the ultimate in support, though, hire a coach! A top-notch coach (ahem, like me) will help you identify the habits and behaviors that hold you back from progress, and help you “rewire” them. 


Want to learn more about working with Melissa? Make an appointment with our team to answer all your questions. Yes, I want support now

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Your Comprehensive Guide to Semaglutide

It was the summer of Semaglutide; in the media, medical offices and all over Hollywood and the fall continuing to buzz as people see the remarkable results from these popular weight loss drugs. So, is it worth the hype? You may have heard of Semaglutide under the brand names Ozempic and Wegovy, so let’s unravel the science behind this popular peptide. 

The Science Behind Semaglutide

Semaglutide is a GLP-1 agonist, which stands for Glucagon Like Peptide 1. This peptide is naturally produced in our gut and serves a vital role in regulating our body’s insulin response and insulin sensitivity, ultimately leading to lower blood sugar levels. It’s a key player in the delicate balance of our metabolic health.

Initially approved by the FDA in 2017 for diabetes management, Semaglutide made headlines again in 2021 when it earned the green light as Wegovy, a groundbreaking treatment for obesity without diabetes. But what’s the secret behind its dual action on blood sugar and weight?

The Weight-Loss Magic of Semaglutide

While we’re still uncovering all the mysteries of Semaglutide, two key mechanisms have captured our attention:

  • Central Action on the Brain: Semaglutide works its magic centrally, in the brain. By acting as a GLP-1 agonist, it helps reduce hunger and suppress appetite. Think of it as turning down the volume on the constant “food noise” in your mind. This can be a game-changer, especially for those who battle emotional and genetic factors contributing to weight gain. Quieting that noise allows you to reconnect with your body’s hunger and satisfaction cues, a liberating experience for many.
  • Local Effects on the GI System: Semaglutide doesn’t stop at the brain; it also influences your gastrointestinal system. By slowing down the transit of food through your digestive tract, it ensures that food lingers in your stomach longer, making you feel full sooner and for an extended period.

The synergy of these central and local effects leads to weight loss and improved glycemic control, helping you achieve your health goals.

Are Semaglutide Right for You? 

This once-weekly injectable medication can be administered conveniently at home or in our office, depending on your preference. Our approach is to start low and advance slowly, tailoring the dosing to your unique needs. The goal? Achieve your desired weight with minimal side effects.

Maintaining Your Weight Loss

The million-dollar question: “Will I regain the weight after stopping Semaglutide?” Well, it’s a possibility, but not all hope is lost. Data from Semaglutide trials show that some patients did regain weight post-treatment, but they never returned to their pre-Semaglutide weight.

Our mission is to help you find your body’s “set point,” a weight that feels optimal and healthy for you, as this varies based on your genetics. As you get closer to your set point, weight loss might slow down.

Here’s where the functional medicine difference shines. At Blum Center for Health, your journey with Semaglutide is just the beginning. We embark on a 12-week exploration to uncover the root causes of your weight gain. We dive deep into intensive testing for blood work abnormalities, hormone imbalances, toxic load, nutrient deficiencies, and dysbiosis, among other factors. Our dedicated health coaching supports you in correcting these imbalances, ensuring that your weight loss is not just temporary but lasting.

Semaglutide is a groundbreaking tool, offering hope for those seeking to manage diabetes, combat obesity, and achieve lasting weight loss. Our approach goes beyond the prescription, addressing the root causes of weight gain and empowering you to maintain your newfound vitality.

Macaulay and Melissa will be with you every step of the way. Are you ready to embark on your journey to better health with Semaglutide? Book an appointment by calling 914.652.7800 or visiting